Wednesday 14 May 2014

WALT measure

We are using non-standard items at the moment to measure a variety of things in our room.
We have used hand span, feet, shoes, pencils, string.
Today we used sticks, beans and cubes.

 We will let you know how we got on!

We discovered that measuring with small objects is not a good way to measure big objects. We also found that the measuring needed to go in  a straight line to be accurate.
Next time we will use rulers.


  1. Wow Room 9! You guys look like you know a lot about measuring!

  2. We can see that you are being very careful to be accurate measurers Room 9. What did you find out about counting when you measure? Is it easier to count in 1s or skip count in 2s, 5s or 10s?

  3. Awesome room 9! Good measuring.Keep ti up
